Current Clients

Karl was invited to join the staff of the ACMG Foundation after serving as a consultant for two years. He is currently employed by the ACMG Foundation on an 80 percent schedule, leaving approximately 10 hours per week open for Walker Court clients. 

Past Clients

The ACMG Foundation for Genetic and Genomic Medicine

Walker Court Associates was retained by the ACMG Foundation for Genetic and Genomic Medicine in February of 2019 to support its first CEO transition. The ACMG Foundation is the nonprofit fundraising arm of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). ACMG’s CEO presides over both nonprofit organizations.

Karl worked with Board members and the ACMG’s founding Executive Director for just under a year to maintain funding and ensure a smooth transition to the organization’s new leadership. Karl then worked with the Foundation Board, the inaugural CEO (Dr. Maximilian Muenke), and senior staff members to strategically enhance the organization’s fundraising capacity, database systems, and grant/program areas. Karl also organized a CEO “listening tour” to California where he and Max met with a dozen leading companies and academics over the course of a week-long visit. He also led the launch of a new Evidence Based Guidelines Program (press release here) and supported other functions of the organization as needed. 

In 2021, Karl was invited to become a staff member of the ACMG Foundation on an 80 percent schedule, leaving one day per week open to other potential Walker Court Clients. Dr. Bob Best, a Founding Fellow of the ACMG, became interim CEO upon Dr. Muenke’s retirement in 2022. Karl again helped with continuity during this time of change. Staff member Melanie Wells, ACMG’s former COO, was selected to take over the CEO role after the 2023 Annual Meeting. Karl again organized trips to California and New York City so that Ms. Wells could meet with corporate partners and other senior donors. Face to face meetings were also organized with companies in the metropolitan DC area. 

The ACMG Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 1992  to, “foster charitable giving, promote training opportunities to attract future medical geneticist and genetic counselors, to share information about medical genetics, and to sponsor important research, and much more.” The Foundation also plays a major role in supporting its sister organization, the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. ACMG seeks to “translate genes into health.”

Scientific Technologies Corporation

This Arizona-based public health software company first hired Karl to serve as a consultant and Advisor to the STC Board under the Walker Court banner. After a year of consulting, STC hired him as their first-ever Vice President. During his ‘free time’ at STC, Karl also purchased and developed a dilapidated storage building behind his home and turned it into an award-winning modern apartment building. 

TAPI – The Arizona Partnership for Immunizations

Karl partnered with his colleague and public health specialist, Dr. Bruce Rusio, to publish a policy paper for TAPI’s Board. The research paper focused on the Affordable Care Act and its impact on national immunization policies.

CPH and the Campaign for Public Health Foundation

After opening his own consulting business, Karl’s first client (2004) was the Campaign for Public Health. By the end of 2005, CPH’s Board of Directors hired Karl full-time. Ten years later, both CPH and the CPH Foundation were moved under the banner of Walker Court Associates during a final transition year. As a consultant and employee, Karl worked with the board, staff, volunteers, and many partner organization to advance public health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a decade. External changes in Washington’s political leadership led the organization to close, but dormant Facebook pages for both nonprofits can still be found through the hyperlinks above. Here, readers can get a sense of the programs and goals that Karl advanced through these high-profile public health advocacy and educational organizations.

And 400 Other Clients

Under the banner of Walker Court Associates, Karl restored a 1910 carriage house in Washington, DC’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. Once the work was completed in 2017, Karl used Airbnb to rent out the two new apartments and hosted 400-plus visitors in two years. More than 95 percent of his guests provided 5 star ratings, gaining him Airbnb’s elite “Airbnb Plus” and “Superhost” titles. He sold the building privately in January of 2020 for more than twice his initial investment.